Psychic Readings

What are Psychic readings?

Have you ever found yourself in a place in time, asking yourself how you got there? You feel like you are playing a part that feels automated and repetitive but misaligned with something within. Do you sense yourself acting, speaking, and doing things that feel disconnected from your inner self? You know something is not right here and should not be this hard.

"Why am I here? Why am I like this? Why can't I get out? I do not want this, but I cannot stop playing the part".

This realization, my spiritual souls, is the first step to awakening and uncovering hidden spiritual reasons why we tie certain wounds to specific people, places, and things and feel bonded to our family and community's behavioural and belief patterns, even when it feels like a disservice to our soul.

A Psychic Reading can open up your awareness and help confirm the true whispers of your Spirit, quieting the mind of doubts, fears, and ideas that were never yours. A Psychic Reading will take you beyond the physical and through the energetic oceanic tide of why we do things and help you align your soul, mind and body as one. So you never feel the lie of your image surface through your eyes again!

Psychic Readings

  • Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz holding the High Priestess Major Arcana

    Tarot Divination

    A window to the soul, Tarot readings take you on a quest for answers to the root of your deepest desired questions and time of profound need to know. This quest for the truth, to learn, see and meditate on, can alter the course of your life. However, whether you are asking about Love and Romance, Money and Career, Health and well-being, Home and Family, Rituals, Grief, Spirituality or Personal Growth, the choice to change your life is entirely up to you!

    Tarot cards are known for their powers of divination and ability to connect and be the mirror to our souls. Using tarot and oracle cards and connection to nature and higher energies, I will interpret your inner desires, feelings, and truths to spark your intuition within the present matter.

    As a Professional Tarot reader, I will use this Divination tool to focus on your growth and understanding. We will look into your soul's inner workings to help us better understand yourself and your motivations. This powerful spiritual reading will help you gain clarity, direction and a deeper understanding of your life and the world around you.

  • Rozalia's Kieliszkiewicz collection of Oracle Card placed down as a spread.

    Oracle Reading

    An oracle is an archetypal symbol found in people, plants, animals, and objects to install a message into our personal story, and oracle cards are an example of this that uses language, pictures, colors, and metaphors projected from the divine matrix to guide us along our path. They are used to connect with your higher self and directly communicate with the divine.

    The type of person that would benefit from oracle cards is seeking the truth of their soul and desire to pursue their life with courage, grace, and wisdom that enriches their spiritual growth. Oracle cards offer guidance that pierces the ego by expanding awareness. Therefore, oracle cards can provide that spiritual support if you seek a positive, uplifting message that brings faith, hope, and inspiration.

  • Dream catcher

    Dream Analysis

    Intuitive dream analysis is one of the most popular and sought-after services; finding dreams' symbolic meaning can unlock unconscious messages about the right course for success. Your dreams also telegraph essential information about upcoming events, romance, life passages, happiness, purpose, and true nature.

    I use tools such as Dream Psychology, Divination and Intuition to uncover the meanings of what your dreams are trying to tell you.

    Talk to me about your dream, and let’s uncover some subconscious secrets !

  • Tea Pot and Tea Cup

    Tea Leaf Reading

    Multiple spiritual cultures believe everything is alive and has a vibration, including stems and tea leaves. Psychics, such as myself, use tasseography as a divination tool that abides by the law of attraction. According to the California Institute of Integral Studies, tea leaf reading shows how the "unconscious communicates through symbolism."

    Like tarot cards, tea leaves offer a window to the soul and interpret our fortune during psychic readings. Grab yourself some Tea and Connect with me for a Tea Leaf Reading as we read your Fortune in a Cup!

  • A Women holding her hands out with a stack of tarot cards and crystals on the table.

    Palm Reading

    Palmistry has been used throughout history in Indian cultures to predict the future. The life, head, heart, and fate lines on your palm can determine your personality, daily routine, and health and predict when significant events will occur.

    I will read the lines on your palms and fingers to understand your life composition and path. I will also interpret the shape of your hand, the outlines and mounts based on the zodiac and planetary symbols associated with the specific area on your Palm. I can solve your Palm using my intuition by reading these symbols and lines.

  • A Picture of Tarot cards

    Astro Tarot Reading

    Astrological symbols and tarot archetypes have long been used together to understand the psychospiritual aspects of our personal and collective consciousness.

    I will interpret your Astrology Chart while referencing the imagery of the Tarot Cards to further understand your past, present, and future thoughts, actions, feelings, and environment. This unique combination will give you a clearer overview of who you are, your life path and purpose, and help you understand your relationships, finances, career, family, hopes, dreams, and desires.

FAQs - Psychic Readings

I. What is a psychic reading?

A Psychic Reading is a healing session provided by a professional with extra sensory perception. Their seven senses are heightened, and they utilize their intuition with their Third Eye Chakra magnified.

Each Psychic holds different gifts and skills that determine whether they primarily use their sense of sight (Clairvoyance) or know how to travel through the astral plane (remote viewing and astral projection), and many more. Regardless of which senses they use primarily, a Psychic perceives beyond the Physical, behind the veil of this reality, activating accurate auric perception to read their Client's energetic, ethereal, mental and body. They also use these sensory sensitivities to read the Client's subconscious and surroundings.

This type of Psychic Reading allows users to understand the truth of their perceived reality. It clarifies unknown factors in their life, helping them make sound decisions and awaken heightened awareness.

II. How do Online psychic readings work?

Online Psychic readings are just like in-person readings; however, they are conducted through the web, via Chat, Phone, Video or email. The process is similar whether you choose to have your Psychic Reading in person or see me for a private Online Psychic Reading.

From the comfort of your home or while on the go, online psychic readings allow you to contact me, your psychic and receive insight and guidance through my extrasensory abilities, divination tools and personable skills.

You share personal aspects of your life with an experienced psychic who can read into your past, present, and future, environment, and unseen factors in your reality, providing clarity, guidance, and peace of mind when you need spiritual, mental, and emotional support.

VII. Are psychic readings confidential?

All my psychic readings online or in person are private and confidential. I use Leinko, a private platform my team created to have the utmost protection and privacy so that we cannot even go back and re-watch or re-read a psychic reading. It disappears once the Psychic Reading with the Client is complete. 

My Mars, Mercury, and Pluto placement in Scorpio makes me loyal to keeping secrets. I do not disclose any of my clients' information or the discussions that are confidential to me during our sessions. 

You can trust that you are confiding in an honest and clean professional with safety and protection in mind.

XII. How does a Psychic Reading perceive your Unconscious?

By assisting you in discovering the inner symbolic meaning and purpose behind every idea, belief, emotion, and sensation of the mind, a Psychic can place these ideas within a larger context of the psyche. We all have vivid mental images, or in other words, access to heightened senses, known as psychic energy, which arises from the unconscious and manifests itself conscious in symbolic form. 

As a result, we create archetypes, or symbols and labels, to identify with these unconscious manifestations from within. 

A psychic will interpret these symbols, using their heightened senses or divination tools to provide symbolic meaning to a client's story and assist them in their psychological and spiritual growth. 

III. What can I expect from a psychic reading?

First-time clients' expectations from a psychic reading should be to accept that it may not suit how they think the reading will go. Every psychic varies in style, skills, credentials, and abilities. Every psychic is unique, and their psychic reading will be authentic and differ from what you may have heard from a friend or another person's experience.

Thus, your expectations should be to have no expectations and to trust and have faith that your psychic will lead you in the right direction beyond your expectations.

IV. Are psychic readings accurate?

The most accurate type of Psychic Reading is one where you feel connected to the energies that the Psychic emits from the ethereal plane. If the Psychic tunes in with their clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities and tells you they see a fantastic business opportunity coming on your path that relates to your life purpose and that it feels terrific, you begin to experience shivers, feelings of Love or inner confirmation in your intuitive spidey senses after hearing the message, you can trust that the Psychic Reading was accurate.

However, it is always important to note that Psychics read your sensitivities and environment; thus, it's up to you to discern whether what the Psychic perceives in your life is true. Nothing is ever black and white; grey is the plane in which the spiritual exists, and it is up to your faith to confirm your beliefs to have the best psychic reading.

VIII. How often should I get a psychic reading?

How often you receive a Psychic Reading depends on your needs. 

I have clients that call me daily, and I have clients that call me weekly and monthly. 

Some clients call me every few months. It depends on your daily situations and challenges. 

I recommend that you call me weekly to benefit from your spiritual growth, journey, and relationships. The more you call me, the more I become tuned into your life, energy, and circumstances, allowing me to channel and move energies around offline to your benefit. 

For this reason, I created a Health Program (Being Happier with Tarot Divination), requiring you to call for 45 minutes Weekly and journal in your daily tracker.

X. How do I know if a psychic reading is correct?

Your intuition will guide you to me; that is how you will know. I do not chase my clients; I provide an open web source of information about what I know, who I am and how I conduct my readings so clients can make conscious decisions about whether I am the right psychic.

If you landed here, you can trust that the Universe led you here; the divine does not make mistakes 😎

V. How much do psychic readings cost?

The average cost of my affordable psychic readings is between $100$ and $400$. My system is set up so that if my clients choose to book in advance either 30-minute or 60-minute readings, they will pay between $100$ and $200$ for a Psychic Reading.

However, I also have a Pay-per-Minute system, where the Client can call me instantly while I'm Online and pay anywhere from $4.44/ minute to $6.22/ minute. With this option, they can control how long they wish to stay in Reading and how much they spend.

If these prices are too high for some clients, I have options for clients to order written readings off my website that range between $60 - 200$, which are emailed to them within 24 - 48 hours.

VI. How do I prepare for a psychic reading?

Before an online Psychic reading, your environment should be clean and clutter-free. A quiet and peaceful environment should surround you, and where you won't be interrupted. It is vital to keep yourself away from distractions so that you can focus and concentrate on the Psychic Reading. If there is too much noise or interference in your environment, the psychic might pick up on those attachments, and thus, it will take a long time to dial into the root of your energy. Therefore, if inside, ensure you are in a quiet, clean, spacious and comfortable room. While outside, try to be in nature or a secluded area where other people won't interrupt you.

IX. What are the Benefits of a Psychic Reading

 The potential benefits of psychic reading are as follows:

  • Reduced Stress or Anxiety

  • Clarity and Confidence in Your Reality

  • Increased Self Awareness

  • Heightened Intuition

  • Trust and Faith in a Higher Power

  • It improves positive mood and outlook on life. 

  • An open mind and desire for expansion

  • You will see how, where, who, when, and what you want and need. 

  • You welcome more joy, happiness and playfulness into your life. 

  • You capitalize on your strengths and work to improve your weaknesses. 

  • You work to break generational patterns of limiting beliefs.

  • It improves the independent mind, body, and soul. 

  • Better Relationships and approach to outside connections

  • Heightened Creativity, Passion and Zest for Life. 

  • Improved Self Love, Self-care, and Self-worth