Physical Fitness

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical Fitness is the practice of Movement. It is being connected to your body and how it needs to move in the present moment.

It is a Dance between Body, Mind and Soul as you allow the connection to your higher self to show you what it needs to be strong, flexible, mobile, agile and durable.

However, before establishing our accurate flow in Movement, we must create patterns and habits in the Body that focus on balance, strength, power and stability.

If we focus on repetitive exercises and routine-based workouts that strengthen the Soul and the Body to move as one, we then allow complete freedom for our Spirit to choose when and how it desires to move at any given moment without restriction.

As a result, I strongly resonate with several movement practices that work on different Body, Mind, and Spiritual needs at a given moment.

Fitness Services

  • A woman adding weights to her barbell

    Personal Training

    The Structural and Muscular system acts as the Body's Foundation. The support keeps you sturdy, strong, flexible, resilient and grounded.

    As a Personal Trainer, I can tailor your workouts to fit your body type and help you build a strong body in alignment, providing greater power, strength, speed and stamina.

    Suppose you are an Athlete who requires injury prevention or recovery. Personal training can offer you greater mobility, trigger point focus, and isometric strengthening to keep you doing what you love.

    Suppose you are already active or just getting started. In that case, you can be sure that personal training with me will keep you on your toes, changing, evolving and improving your cardiovascular health, bone structure, Muscle strength, flexibility, stamina, and more!

    As a Personal Trainer, I understand the importance of keeping your body strong and healthy first so that you can celebrate what your body can do daily.

  • Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz doing a Yoga Pose


    A spiritual philosophy for living a healthy, happy and spiritually rich life, Yoga aims to unite mind and body, bringing human spirits closer to the Divine.

    An art and science of masculine and feminine union that works to bring us towards Moksha - Liberation from suffering.

    This physical practice teaches you to connect to your breath (Pranayama) and cleanse your body, mind, and soul ( Kriyas).

    Through Yoga, Meditation will also be of focus, and becoming aware of human morals and ethics (Yamas and Niyamas) will help you achieve a state of detachment, attaining bliss (Samadhi).

    A regular yoga practice with me can assist you in increasing your flexibility and strength, gaining broader clarity, concentration, and mental focus, and aiding in organ system function.

    Regular Yoga can balance the emotional state of being and invoke a sense of inner peace.

    I provide private Yoga sessions, Group Sessions, and custom-made Yoga Videos to suit your needs and preferences, including different forms of Yoga such as Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, and Ashtanga Yoga.

  • A man doing battle ropes in High Intensity Intervals

    High Intensity Interval Training

    HITT: High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the most fun, active, calorie burning and cardiovascular-beneficial workouts. It is a flexible, adaptable workout that you can do anywhere!

    Whether at the gym, at home or on the go travelling, HIIT training requires little equipment and is body weight focus, transforming your body, mind and spirit!

    With Dynamic bursts of cardiovascular activity coupled with resistance-based strength-building movements, you can be done with a routine of as little as 20 minutes!

    HIIT exercises focus on short periods of intense anaerobic exercises and a less severe recovery period, becoming a fantastic starting point for anyone just getting into fitness or for seasoned athletes needing to improve their strength, speed, and agility.

    Raise your Metabolism, improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn fat, and build and tone your muscles with HIIT!

    These workouts can be short or long, and you can do them anywhere. You'll burn more fat in less time than with any other exercise! :)

  • Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz doing an Animal Flow Pose

    Animal Flow

    Animal Flow is a fitness program that emphasizes ground-based movement and is designed to improve strength, power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination for all fitness levels.

    Love and Flow through a Dynamic Dance of the Animal Kingdom. Your Tendons, Fascia and Joints will be coated as you hydrate your Muscles and Nurse your Muscular/ Structural systems through Personal Strength and Flexibility.

    Join my Animal Flow Classes Today!

  • Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz holding two dumbbell weights in both hands and looking at her beautiful bicep

    Strong Nation

    Strong Nation is a high-intensity workout program that combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio, and plyometric training moves. The exercises are synced to original music specifically designed to match every move, making the workout more efficient and engaging.

    It’s suitable for people looking to improve their overall physical fitness through an intense and dynamic group fitness experience

    Join my Strong Nation Classes Today!