10 Steps to prevent and clear Acne

A frustrating outbreak on the skin can leave a person feeling insecure, frustrated, and downright pissed off! Everyone wants to have clear skin, and dealing with these disorders on the face, upper back, and chest can dishearten a person’s self-esteem. However, what is essential to consider is that Acne Vulgaris, or common acne, is often a cause of an underlying issue in the body.

Hormonal fluctuations between androgens, estrogens and progesterone that occur in puberty and menopause can be responsible for these cysts and bumps on the skin. However, a hidden element that most do not realize is that toxic accumulation in the body is responsible for these volcanic bumps on the skin.

The skin is compromised of our body’s first line of defence, which means it is the first target for pathogens to invade our bodies. Factors such as stress, low levels of zinc, excess iodine, deficiency in Vitamin A and B6, high polyunsaturated fatty acids or deficiency of essential fatty acids (Omega 3) all can contribute to the Liver and Kidneys being unable to excrete these toxins, as they become overloaded with daily pollutants.

Not to worry, here are ten steps to prevent and clear Acne:

1. Avoid Sugar, Alcohol and artificial sweeteners

Sugar is a drug. Alcohol is a Drug, and Artificial Sweeteners are chemical drugs. These products cause more harm than good. Not only do they increase potential acne, but they also cause many underlying conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, metabolic imbalance and more. All three of these products act on Glucose receptors, which spike cortisol (stress hormone) and Estrogen, causing Adrenal imbalance, hormonal imbalance and toxic accumulation in the body.

2. Ensure Adequate Complete Protein

Focus primarily on plant-based proteins to increase the rate of enzyme absorption to clear the body of excess undigested food particles and toxins. Protein from eggs and fish, combined with legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, is highly recommended to balance blood sugar (glucose) and hormones and reduce inflammation.

3. Avoid Milk

Milk has no benefit for the body when pasteurized, and the hormones found in cow’s Milk can aggravate this condition. If you must drink Milk, focus on unpasteurized organic raw Milk if you are lucky enough to have access to a farmer you trust. This type of Milk is filled with anti-cancer-fighting nutrients, enzymes, and immunoglobulins that may help this condition.

4. Avoid- Trans and Hydrogenated fats

These fats are pro-inflammatory and will cause the condition to get worse. You find these fats in fast foods such as burgers and fries, essentially deep-fried. Be careful when cooking with oil. Olive oil, nut, and seed oils should be used as cold additions to your meals to prevent them from becoming rancid and inflammatory.

5. Avoid coffee, tea, caffeine, stimulants and carbonated beverages

Coffee… My tempting love addiction. As much as I love coffee, I cannot stress that it is a nervous system stimulant and gut destroyer. Not only does it tax the liver and the intestinal system, but it also burns off your amino acid L-Tyrosine levels, which are responsible for healthy thyroid function and, thus, hormone and body metabolism.

However, studies have shown that coffee in moderation boosts memory, focus and concentration.

6. Increase Dark green leafy vegetables

Especially those foods with rich chlorophyll, filled with Vitamin B6 and all the B Vitamins. These foods will make your blood clean, pure and rich, clearing it of any toxins that could have accumulated.

7. Take Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are found in raw foods, but sometimes we don’t get enough of them. Taking digestive enzymes can help digest your foods and clear your blood of undigested food particles that could otherwise have seeped in through the intestinal system, causing toxic buildup on the skin.

8. Maintain consistent and frequent Exercise.

Exercise gets the blood moving and increases your metabolism and other health benefits, but it also acts as a skin detox. It helps you sweat and flush out any toxins that could have reached your skin follicles, causing cells to stick to the sebum increasing acne.

9. Drink lots of pure water

If you want to flush out toxins, drink pure water, and LOTS OF IT are necessary for healthy glowing skin. Make sure you are getting your 8 cups a day for best results.

10. Get regular, Good quality sleep.

SLEEP! Our bodies regenerate during sleep, probably among the most underrated yet incredible luxuries. It helps recycle and allows the organs in the body to recycle and reset during the night, while it removes toxins and flushes things out when we are floating away in a dream world.

Need a little Extra Help?

Feel free to contact me or head straight to my dispensary to browse through a catalogue of natural health products that can help get your body back into balance. Be sure to do your research first before purchasing, or talk to me :)


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