10 Types of Spiritual Gifts Psychics and Spiritual Life Coaches explore with themselves and their clients.

Our ability to be open to the spiritual world separates us from the human conditioning that creates all suffering.

Me (Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz) Holding a Pendulum in Prayer hands

Our Spiritual essence, the Soul, is separated into different meanings depending on belief, religion, tradition or culture. These parts can include our natural instinct, emotions and morality, a part of God, the knowledge and awareness of God, and the knowing that One is God. All these parts reference God as an inner and outer extension of all light, all life, and all vibrating energy.

As we connect to this deeper awareness of the God Self, spiritual radiance and Soul’s wisdom, we can begin to connect to the spiritual forces that surround us beyond the invisible realm but an apparent miracle that is life.

Spiritual Life Coaches, Psychics, Gurus and Healers have common spiritual gifts, talents and skills, whether consciously or unconsciously, to connect to Spirit Guides, Past Loved ones, Previous Lives, Animals, Ancestors, Angels, Fairies, Gins and other unknowing dimensional energies.

Here are Ten Spiritual Gifts that Spiritual Life Coaches will often explore within themselves and help their clients develop independently.

1. Claircognizance

“I carry a deep knowing within my soul, unexplainable certainty, a world shown beneath my feet, clarity.”

A divine knowing, a deep connection to the source, and a balanced crown chakra can amplify the ability of Claircognizance. You know things without a doubt; your entire being is confident of a person you never met, a world beyond what it portrays, and clarity on life purpose, skills, and talents from past lives. This ability is the most favourable, as it comes with no fear, no doubts; guided by a higher power, you are free from bondage and liberated from suffering. Most individuals with this ability have lived several lives and are considered *old souls*.

2. Clairvoyance

The heightened sense of your sight is clairvoyance. Your third eye is balanced and amplified, and you can see visions, images or flashes from the spiritual world. With faith, these images come from the Divine, the unseen realm, your subconscious, or another. It can even manifest as images from a past life, future time or a distant location.

3. Clairaudience

Clairaudience is the ability to hear messages from the spiritual world. It is activated by your Throat Chakra, allowing you to listen to the messages from the unseen world. Clairaudient messages are like whispers in the mind, gently transmitted through your psychic presence and quiet mind.

However, it is separate from Telepathy, which focuses on communicating in the 4D plane, meaning Mind to Mind, collective to collective, and messages from a higher divine counsel.

>>Need to know more about Telepathy? Please read my article on Overcoming Telepathic Abuse and Healing Your Mind.

4. Clairsentience

This ability is typically found in empaths, those soft, pure souls that feel things deeply. They are of the water realm; some may say they come from the time of Atlantis and lived in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Individuals with this ability feel the emotions of others, and at times, it isn’t easy to decipher between their own and their environment. If honed and practiced, they can feel the sharpness of another’s fear, worry, guilt, shame, and anger from within their subconscious to consciousness.

These souls can alternate between the Heart and Sacral Chakra, where their primal instincts of fear and survival are activated when a negative feeling sends shivers down their bodies. However, they also feel Love from within themselves and others on a divine and purest level, which makes this ability worth having.

>>Dreaming of Atlantis, Read My Story Here.

5. Clarolfactance

“I can smell the steam and the sweet smell of your body soap, and I can’t help but imagine myself in your arms, falling deep into your freshly clean embrace.”

This ability always surprises me, but I often see it coupled with other senses at its side. The ability to smell a fragrance odour from the spiritual realm and decipher who or what it belongs to.

This ability is cute, subtle and harmless in that it assists in understanding a message more clearly. You could smell the perfume of a soulmate that you are apart from at a distance or a past away lover that is still floating around in the *in between*.

6. Clairgustance

Oh, taste, a new one I uncovered recently within myself, exchanged by another Soul that wanted me to taste what he was tasting. Distant apart, this ability was evident, as I knew precisely with my intuitive sense what I was tasting and from whom.

Subtle, like the sense of smell from the spiritual realm, the sense of taste, can be challenging to decipher if you are not already tuned into your intuition.

7. Prophecy

Prophecy or Premonititons can be mixed with other Psychic abilities to understand and know what will happen in the future. Most prophets have an uncanny ability to write poetry or specific keywords received from messages, flashes of imagery, and a knowing from a higher self.

8. Healing

Heart Chakra activated and, at times, coupled with energy healing, reiki, and other therapeutic and alternative medicine modalities, these individuals heal themselves and heal others. Healing energy flows through these souls; as a result, they can touch other souls physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They can help others break through blocks, fears, and heavy emotional and mental baggage and assist them in setting themselves free through Love.

9. Mediumship

An all-in or all-out ability, there is no in-between in Mediumship. A paradox at its best, you can speak to those who have left the Earth.

This ability is the most difficult as you can be given the gift but be afraid to use it. I mean, who wants to see dead black auras walking around in their kitchen in the middle of the night? Ha-Ha😅

Jokes aside, from my experience and point of view, it is most liberating and beautiful, as it can help you release ties or karma of your ancestors who become your guides and still have unfinished, unresolved attachments to the living.

You can also meet these spirits in your dream state in the *in between*; on their way to your version of Heaven, come to say goodbye.

Through my Mediumship, I have found to work with and communicate with the dead and living souls who travel through time and space.

10. Remote Viewing

This ability is the most awesome, but also the one that requires the most magical protection. In remote viewing, your Soul or spirit travels through a fast, energetic tunnel to pinpoint a map, location or area of intended focus. However, this ability can sometimes require you to jump into another person’s body, animal, or living source of nature to see through their eyes.

You should always ask permission from the higher selves of the vehicles you may temporarily touch or enter so as not to evade privacy.

I have found that once I could experience this ability on occasion, other souls could jump into my body and see into my mind, what I saw in front of me, and my senses in my body.

Therefore, you need to learn to protect yourself and your aura and create necessary elemental blocks with nature and the Divine, not to be interfered with by souls who abuse their power.

Openness to Mystery

So now you have tapped into your inner High Priestess and learned that your inner knowledge is your best guide. To develop your gifts, note that you must be open to learning new things and expanding your mind. All life has a mystery; it would be ignorant and irresponsible to believe that you know everything about existence. We are only a tiny 1% fragment of universe light that exists in all the cosmos; thus, always keep your heart open, feel the wisdom of divine energy and allow things yet to be revealed infinitely.


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