Your October Astrology 2023 — Letting Go and Cleansing, you are worthy of more!

We start the month with tension between what we want to say and the depths of our feelings. Misplaced jabs and facts can affect those sensitive empaths; thus, be straightforward with your tongue.

You’ll be forced to face the lord of the underworld as Mercury Trines Pluto and become clear about what you “think” you know to be accurate. You must ask your Ego and Shadow self some profound questions as Lilith enters Virgo on October 3rd and remains there until July 2024! It will be a time to connect to the darker parts of yourself and be aware of what makes you tick!

As Mars conjuncts the South Node, on the 3rd, you will have three days to act and utilize the talents given to you from past lives and burn away anything that stands in your way.

Mercury enters Libra on the 5th, and it will be a great time to bring balance, clarity, and understanding into your life before you are forced to face off with your shadowy self on the 8th for a couple of days as Mars squares Pluto.

Venus enters Virgo on October 9th and will be irritated and unhappy until November 8th. Since Venus has trouble being comfortable with Virgo’s need for organization and perfectionism, essentially every sign must be mindful of self-criticism, except for Virgo, who will bask in glory during this transit.

Pluto is Stationary on October 10th, so it’s best to do little on this day if you have to. You will enter the deep void within, and other demons may come out to play.

As Pluto goes direct on the 12th, you will begin to feel the transformations, changes and endings amplified as you enter the first eclipse of the month on the 14th.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th until November 24th, and it will amplify our zest for life and the need for adventure. Everything will look more colourful, and you will feel “turned on” by anything that stirs your soul and ignites the fire within.

Watch the planet Saturn for a couple of days, as he may remind you of your responsibilities and tasks that you have yet to complete on the 12th. However, be ready to say goodbye to demanding and overbearing authority figures and bosses as you eclipse them out and start a new job, career, or direction during the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 14th.

The Light will suddenly shine on you for three days when Sun Conjunct Mercury is on the 19th, and you will be recognized for your talents, skills, and worth by your higher-ups and superiors.

On October 22nd, Mercury enters Scorpio until November 10th, suddenly pushing you to make short-distance travels, trips and passionate, intimate connections.

The Sun Enters Scorpio on the 23rd, a perfect time to transform your image and follow your deepest desires. You will be ready to eclipse one final thing out of your life during the Full Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, standing true to your worth, values and beliefs.

Letting go and Cleansing, you are worthy of more!

Each sign is different and has unique strengths and weaknesses that push them to maneuver through this period. Thus, pay attention to your Astrology chart and note which area each sign is in to help better guide you through October!


A passionate month in relationships, Aries, as you start off balancing the needs of others over your own. You may connect to others not of your typical interest, with Mercury and Mars in your 7th house of Partnerships. It is an excellent time for you to be of service and give to others who require a little more balance. Virgo transiting your house of Health will have you taking the lead on a new workout routine or diet program, including your partner for the ride. As Mercury and Mars are transiting your house of passion halfway through October, you may find yourself intimately connecting with other people, money, resources, and contractual agreements. It is an excellent time to connect to what makes you drive and allow your intuition to take you beyond the veil, spiritual healing and growing your psychic abilities. Get ready to eclipse old bonds and connections at the end of the month while allowing new ones to come in. Follow the Fire in October Aries!


It’s an intense month for you, Taurus, as Virgo becomes irritated by its lack of fun in the house of play. Keep an eye out for your kids and the company they keep around them, and keep their activities organized and on schedule. As Mercury and Mars transit your house of Health, you will learn a new routine to amplify your vitality. As you find balance in your projects, gym sessions and home life, you will have the sudden urge to push your practices on your marriage and relationships as the planets transit through your 7th house of partnerships in the second half of October. As the eclipse is in Libra, you may end and start a new project rather quickly, and your current emotional state will suddenly take over you. You can quickly maneuver through this river as you allow your North node to help you let go and release connections that no longer serve you towards the end of the month.


Party first, then Health Later, is your motto this month, Gemini! As Mercury and Mars transit your 5th house of pleasures, you may be tempted to fall into unhealthy habits. However, if you channel this light-shining energy into sports and creative pursuits, you may avoid that cold or possible sexual disease in the second half of the month as Mercury and Mars enter your house of Health. During this month, Gemini, money planning and budgeting might be tricky at home. However, if you keep your finances in check, others must follow your requests to keep things in a reasonable line. Be sure to get your regular health checkups, as it will be a good time for blood work and reassessing your diet as Mars enters Scorpio, amplifying your need for passionate connections. At the end of the month, you will indeed ground yourself in your values and eclipse what no longer suits your purpose in your life.


Home and Family take the forefront at the beginning of the month. Suddenly, your family members, siblings, neighbors and everyone surrounding your home life irritate you. Release this frustration, recognize that you cannot change it, and focus on your home projects to channel your empathetic nature into something practical. As Virgo transitions your networking house, you may find yourself scheduling friends, peers, and siblings into your timetable so that you can organize their needs with yours. Many conversations and debates on different topics should be avoided if you feel egotistically drawn to a specific idea. Relax and release. Only some have to share their beliefs. Cancer! As Mercury and Mars enter your house of play in the second half of October, it will be a perfect time to join a sports team or creative activity, designing and starting a new artistic project! Your kids may also play an important part during this time.


Balance is achieved within your community as you focus on trivial matters. Your focus will be on creating smooth connections, networking with the right people and building up your clientele as Mercury and Mars move into your 3rd house of communications. There might be a solid need to fixate on every aspect of yourself and a healthy routine as Virgo enters your house of self-worth and values. However, if you focus on balancing between self-care and treating your body as a temple and nurturing home to live in, you’ll change how you see yourself as a whole. Mercury and Mars will transit your house of home and Family in the second half of October; thus, look around and see what you can change. Are there members of your tribe you need to release? You may change your perspective and see their contribution differently. Clean, Wash and organize your home, take care of your chores, and add some new plants to your environment.


It is a beautiful and luxurious month for you, Virgo, as Venus basks in your sign for the rest of the month. You will feel attractive and may desire to change your image, get new hair, or pamper yourself with a new wardrobe. Since Lilith will be conspiring with your shadow self, feel free to be extravagant, as it will enhance your public image, especially if you take the time to market yourself. Your self-worth and money will rise as Mercury and Mars enter your 2nd house of talents, and you begin profiting on your skills. Conversations will be most favorable to you in the second half of October as Mars and Mercury enter your networking house. You will have the upper hand in mass media, publishing, texting and video calling. Siblings may communicate with you often, and short-distance travels may favor your transforming and growing lifestyle.


It’s a busy time for you, Libra, as planets Mercury, Mars, and Sun are all in your 1st house of self. The Sun shines brightly on your talents and skills, and you will create, innovate, and generate income through these gifts as the month progresses. It is okay if your calendar is complete and you have appointments and clients to attend to. With Mars entering Scorpio in your 12th house halfway through the month, you’ll let go and release old emotions from past life behaviors. Maneuvering through these depths will be easy, as Mercury will join your 12th house on the 22nd, amplifying your voice and making it easier to express your requirements and needs at the forefront. Enjoy the Full Moon in Taurus in your 8th house of secrets to ground your subconscious secrets into reality.


A Lucid month for you, Scorpio, as Mercury, Mars, and the Sun are hanging in your 12th house of past lives and letting go the first half of the month. You will feel intuitive and mystical, desiring to delve deep into magic, spirituality and translucent unknowns. A good time for Meditation, Yoga and Dance as you work to release old patterns from past lives. As Venus Enters Virgo in your house of friends in the 2nd week of the month, it will be tricky, as you may find your relationship tense. Suddenly, you will be confined between your schedule and theirs not lining up. Keep an open heart during this time so your friends do not become enemies. Mercury and Mars enter Scorpio halfway through the month, giving you the passion and motivation to be on purpose. Things will smooth out for you, and you will take the lead as you enter your season, Scorpio.


Find balance in your friendships at the start of October, Sagittarius, as Mercury and Mars makeover through your house of friends. You will be the centre of attention until Mercury and Mars head into your home of insecurities halfway through the month. It will be a time to care for your Health and immune system and focus on eating good foods and exercising to build up your confidence and release the ego attachments to any feelings of lack and uncertainty. As Venus debuted in your house of public persona, your career may encourage you to organize your time and reschedule your priorities. Lilith will be in the same place in the same sign; thus, be careful not to be on the wrong side of authority, as your bosses may be extra touchy and irritated. The eclipse on the 14th will be the perfect time to follow your intuition and release what no longer serves your growth.


October will be a favorable time for your career, Capricorn, as Mercury and Mars transit your 10th house of public persona. With Lilith travelling to your home of higher learning, you might come into contact with high and mighty people and false prophets who could create tension within your influential status within the first few days of October. However, you will be quickly seen and valued by your superiors, who will recognize your work, education, and experience in higher learning. Travelling and experiencing other cultures may be placed on your schedule. However, staying organized and creating a program when visiting locations is essential. This eclipse season is a perfect time to change careers; if you do not feel appreciated this month or change how you work, however, your friends, communities and networks will look up to your ambitions, helping make your dreams come true as Mercury and Mars enter Scorpio towards the end of the month.


Education brings opportunities, Aquarius! During the first half of the month, your decisive focus should be on teaching, learning, publishing, and marketing your knowledge and wisdom. As Mercury and Mars transit your house of philosophy, travel and truth, it will be a great time to take a course, pick up a book or find a mentor to teach you what your soul longs to know. As Venus and Lilith enter Virgo and transit your house of sexuality and intimate partnerships, you should be careful when dealing with those who handle your resources and focus on releasing any contractual agreements that manipulate, lie or deceive you through temptation. Luckily, this complex energy will only last a couple of days after the 10th, and you’ll quickly have the opportunity to make new intimate connections deemed quite fruitful. You can be sure to get a raise or promotion as Mars and Mercury enter Scorpio halfway through the month and help you release all that no longer serves your daily truth.


A spiritual and dreamy month, Pisces, as you long to travel first through your sleepy dreams and actual waking hours worldwide. In the first half of the month, you may find yourself tapping into your psychic gifts and communing with spirits beyond the veil, with Mars and Mercury being in your house of death and occult. As you become busy with people wanting to experience your spiritual gifts, Venus in your 7th house will help you organize and plan to fit your time and space. Be careful in your marriage or business partnerships, as Lilith might create tension for a couple of days after the 10th. However, as Mercury and Mars transit your 9th house of Travel and Exploration in the second half of the month, you may escape to foreign lands and exotic places in real life or your fantasies, creating some flow, space and rest in your heart and mind.

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