Embrace Your Evolved Self with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023

We are finishing this month with a Final Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023.

The theme for this powerful eclipse is to go with the flow and allow the old to cleanse so that you can open your heart to receiving what is aligned with your love and desires heading into November, following many months to come.

Judging by the spread below, looking at the zodiacs as a whole, we start with a powerful acknowledgment of who we are and how we are perceived amongst our social circles.

A Picture of the Tarot Reading Spread for each zodiac sign during the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, October 28th, 2023

The collective is going through a transformative ending to repetitive habits that no longer serve who you are becoming and choosing to stand in a higher power, noting the new direction desired by your unique sense of truth and value. 

Clear, patient, and with a keen eye toward detail, resilience is only amplified as you go after what you truly want. 

Here is a Tarot Reading for each zodiac sign and how they are impacted during this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023.

Aries - The Six of Wands

You are stepping out into the spotlight, Aries, and removing any indecision or conflict caused in your mind, keeping you from acting from your internal instincts and desires. 

You know who you are and are not afraid to flaunt it, Aries. You have overcome a chaotic battle and have come out on top, knowing exactly who you are and how you should lead the way moving forward. 

Taurus - Queen of Swords

Straight forward and direct, Taurus. You see clearly and have eliminated the fears in your mind that keep you from speaking up, communicating the facts and being transparent with your intentions. 

You've embraced a logical state of mind, and it serves you well in eliminating any toxic attachments that feed on feelings of entrapment and pain. Blunt yet honest, you know what is true to you. 

Gemini - King of Pentacles

Reliable and grounded, you have created a stable foundation on personal riches, practical rituals, and structure that has served you well. An investor in your own right, you now have the rooted means to take action in a new direction where you can learn something new without fear of significant loss. 

People look up to you, trust your judgements, and understand that your choices come from a calculated and measured place, which has built up the material resources and financial assets you hold dear to you. 

Cancer - Death

Primary endings appear in your life, Cancer, as you reevaluate where you put your time and energy. A significant transformation occurs, forcing you to evolve and adapt to create something long-lasting. 

It is okay to put one thing down to focus on something closer to your heart. It's time for this eclipse to end what is not working so you can show up as a revitalized new self. 

Leo - Three of Cups

Celebrate and reunite with old friends. Welcome into your life during this eclipse, Leo. It is time to show up and show off! Your friends will be impressed by the new you and thankful to be basking in your presence. 

Parties and social gatherings will be of focus, and surrounding yourself with those who have been there through all your evolutions will be fulfilling to your vibrant, energetic nature. You may even find yourself exploring new communities, groups and networks to fit who you have become post-eclipse. 

Virgo - Temperance

Patience, Virgo, as you ground your emotions and see things from a higher perspective. Healing and forgiveness surround your life as you lean into a place of compassion and understanding. 

You are encouraged to pay attention to your health and find moderation in all things you may have put energy into in excess. It is time to balance the light and darkness in your life so that you can feel at ease and peace. 

Libra - Knight of Pentacles

Slow and steady, Libra, as you delicately approach your new circumstances. You are learning to follow your heart, yet keep yourself grounded and pay attention to the details before proceeding. 

A fresh new routine requires consistent effort and commitment; thus, give yourself time to breathe and be patient with the work you deliver in your career. Practical matters and financial resources are of focus, so keep one foot in front of the other as you advance in your newfound understanding. 

Scorpio - Page of Pentacles

Going with the flow, Scorpio, as this eclipse pushes you into a new direction that can manifest as something abundant and fruitful in the years to come. 

You refuse to get stuck in one place and are willing to adapt based on your desires and emotions. Follow the current in your heart space, and allow the tide to take you towards your fulfilled dreams and wishes. 

Sagittarius - Two of Pentacles

It's a busy time for your Sagittarius as you balance two aspects of your life. As you try to keep things afloat, you surrender into this state of juggling that keeps you on your toes and focused on the vision of prosperity you see for yourself. 

As you multitask, you can look ahead and ask yourself where a network or team player might take some of these tasks off your hands and help you build further along your path. 

Capricorn - Three of Wands

You have taken the necessary actions toward your desired dreams and passions. Your torch is sky high, beaming with light, and you await the gifts of these acts to come through, finally creating the inspired environment you desire. 

Keep looking towards your vision, Capricorn, as these blessings and miracles will undoubtedly appear soon, and you will realize your dreams. 

Aquarius - Nine of wands

You are hard at work, Aquarius, as you push through this ecliptic season with resilience and determination. You have been through a hectic time, running on fumes and keeping your engine going. 

You are almost at the finish line, and the intended effort will be noticed and awarded. Thus, don't give up, and allow yourself some time for self-care so you can finish off strong. 

Pisces - King of Swords

As you become clear about a particular situation, out of the emotions and into the mind, Pisces requires forgiveness in yourself and another so you do not dry up being out of water too long. 

You are clear about what you know and are fearless in following this morale moving forward. Keep your heart open, Pisces, as the higher-ups will understand you once the facts are put straight into the open. 

A Tarot Reading can provide Clarity.

Has the eclipse season in October made you feel drained, chaotic and uncertain? A Tarot Reading with me can help clear up some of the fears and unknowns that have arisen and have you moving into the future with a new sense of motivation, Clarity and a positive state of being. 

The Decks used in this Tarot Reading Spread

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